Brown Announces Grant to Improve Traffic, Safety in Neshannock Township
HARRISBURG – Rep. Marla Brown (R-Lawrence) today announced Neshannock Township, Lawrence County, will receive nearly $1.3 million in funding from the Multimodal Transportation Fund Program after the Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA) approved the financial request.

The project includes traffic calming and safety improvements along Kings Chapel and Pulaski roads.

“I am pleased that funding has been awarded to help remedy safety issues in this neighborhood,” said Brown. “I want to thank the Commonwealth Financing Authority for helping the Neshannock Township community create the infrastructure for better living conditions and advance economic development in the area. I was happy to advocate for this funding.”

Brown worked closely with the Neshannock Township supervisors to secure the funding.

“In order for Steelite International, a warehouse and distribution center in New Castle, to remain as a viable part of our district, road improvements were imperative for truck safety,” said Brown.

The CFA was established as an independent agency of the Commonwealth and holds fiduciary responsibility over the funding of programs and investments in Pennsylvania’s economic growth.

Representative Marla Brown
9th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Rick Leiner
717.260.6437 (office), 77.497.8478 (cell) /